Lists & Forms
Need help with Lists or Forms in your account? This section contains all of our articles for managing contacts and forms
- List & Database Maintenance Tips
- Overview: Forms
- Overview: Lists
- 'Too Many Columns' Error When Importing, or Uploading, a List
- Add a Form to a Website
- Add a New Field to a Form or List, or Edit a Field
- Add a New Form to a List ๐ฌ
- Add a New List
- Advanced Search Examples
- Advanced Search, or Contact Segmentation
- Bulk Update Contacts With List Preferences
- Can I Import and Use Purchased Leads?
- Copy a Form Style to Another Form, or List
- Create a NPS Survey
- Create a Poll Using Forms
- Create Surveys or Questionnaires ๐ฌ
- Delete a Form
- Delete a List of Contacts
- Design & Customise the Appearance of a Form
- Forms Appear Differently Once Embedded on a Website
- Hidden Form Fields
- Importing Multiple Lists Into One & Setting Preferences for Each List
- Link a Facebook Button to a Form
- Link a Form to a Custom Thank You Page
- List Management: Single Master List vs. Many Lists ๐ฌ
- List Settings
- List Upload Failure
- Merge Multiple Lists
- Prepopulate or Autofill a Form
- Receive an Email Notification When a Contact Subscribes / Unsubscribes / Updates Profile