If you are creating your first email, working out how to do it might seem a little daunting. However, it is very easy to get a great looking email together on your first go - especially if you start from one of our many templates.
Drag & Drop Editor (most popular)
This is the most common option for building emails in our platform as it provides a powerful, flexible editor which allows for dragging & dropping components, creating columns, simple reordering of components and so on. This is covered in the how-to guide below.
Did you know that you can use AI to help create engaging emails for you? Read more about our Content Assistant.
Import HTML Code
This option allows you to upload an existing HTML file that you can then use as your email message. If you create a message using this method, you'll only be able to edit it in HTML - so this isn't recommend for new users or those without HTML code experience.
Furthermore, you'll need to ensure your HTML code contains the necessary code to make the email mobile-friendly as, unlike when using our Drag & Drop Editor, this is not added automatically.
HTML & Text-only Emails
You can also create your own HTML-only, text-only, or HTML-and-text emails using our simplified WYSIWYG editor. This method provides a toolbar to allow the end user to edit text and images only. If a design change (as in adding in another component) is required, this will need to be coded in HTML.
To use this method, follow steps 1 - 3 in the guide below, but select the More Options link on the bottom left of the template gallery instead.
How-to GuideÂ
Start with an email template
- Select Messages from the sidebar.
- On the messages screen, click
- You can now select from a range of pre-built templates (sorted into various categories), or create an email from a blank template. Click
For today's example, we're going to use the "Amazing Co." travel template highlighted below and turn it into an email for our donut shop, "XYZ Donuts & Baked Goods".
 . - The chosen email template will now open in our drag-and-drop email editor, ready for customisation.
Customise it
Now that we have our travel template open in the drag-and-drop editor, let's start making some changes.
- The template has a travel logo ("Amazing Co.") to the top left - let's replace this with our own. Double-click on the existing logo to open the Files & Image manager.
- If you've already uploaded your logo previously, locate it here in the image library - otherwise, click to upload the logo from your computer. Select your logo image and click .
- Now we'll update the web links to the right of the logo - this is called our Weblinks component. Click on the component to open it in the Settings panel.
- You can now edit the existing link names - as well as add new ones (
- Let's replace the large sunset image with our own. Double-click on the existing image to open the Files & Image manager.
- If you've already uploaded an image previously, locate it here in the image library - otherwise, click
- Underneath this image, you will notice two paragraph components - they currently say "subheading" and have a briefcase icon; one to the left, and one to the right. Double-click into the first paragraph component to open it into editing mode.
- For now, let's change the subheading & text to suit your needs (example below). You can also use the various formatting options on the floating toolbar if required.
- Now let's add a hyperlink inside our text. Highlight the section you'd like to link, and click the
- The link dialog will appear, allowing you can set where the link goes when clicked by the recipient. Add the desired link, and clickÂ
- Let's change the briefcase icon to a product image. Double-click on the existing image to open the Files & Image manager.
- If you've already uploaded an image previously, locate it here in the image library - otherwise, click
- Now that we've added an image into our paragraph component, let's take a look at how we can resize and reposition the image. Click the paragraph component once to select it.
- Over on the right hand side in the settings area, locate the Image panel. Here you can adjust the image size, horizontal position and padding around the image. Adjust these settings to suit.
- Also in the settings section, you will see a Title and a Call to Action panel. Try turning these on and adjust some of the settings and options provided here to see how they function.
- Now let's remove the second paragraph component, as we don't need it. Click once on the component to highlight it, then click theÂ
- Double-click into any remaining components that you need, and make adjustments as required - by either replacing images, updating text, or adding links.
- Highlight and delete ( Â icon) any remaining components within the template that you don't need.
- When ready, click  to save your message - give it a subject, a name and you're done!
Congratulations on creating your first email! The video and steps above were a quick look into just some of the many features available in the email editor and our product.
Other features and functions include multi-column emails, automations, the ability to duplicate components, wildcards (mail-merge fields), conditional content (parts of your email that changes based on recipient criteria) and much more!
Next Steps
Now that you have created and saved your first email, here are some next steps to try...
- Conduct a Spam Check on an Email
- Send a Test Email
- Test Your Email With Litmus Inbox Previews
- Import & Upload Contacts
- Send an Email to Your Contacts
- Create an Email Template