In this guide, we'll show you how to send (or resend) an email to contacts that did not click anything in a particular email send.
How-to Guide
- First off, we need to grab the list of people who did click on something in your particular email send; we can find this in the reports section. Select Reports in the sidebar.
- Locate the report for the send in question, and double-click it to open it.
- In the Activity panel, click on Clicked. A new popup window should open.
- Click the
- Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet application (such as Microsoft Excel) and remove all columns except the 'Email address' column.
- Now add a new column called 'Did click something'.
You may wish to add the name of the email in the column title - but keep it brief. - Set the value for every row in this column to be 'Yes'.
- Save the file.
- Next we'll update the data in our list via an import, so that we know which contacts did click something in this send. Select Lists and Forms form the sidebar.
- Click .
- Choose File Upload then select the list you originally sent the email to.
- Click .
- Click the dropdown symbol next to the 'Did click something' column (or whatever name you gave it in Step 6 above) and create a new field for this column, as shown.
- Make it a Text field, and give the field a name - such as 'Did click something' (or whatever name you gave it in Step 6 above).
- Click .
- Click Settings to the top right and set the two settings as shown.
- Click , then . Your contact list will now be updated - and our platform will now know which contacts did click something - we'll use this in our sending search criteria shortly.
- Let's now resend our email to these contacts. Click Messages on the sidebar.
- Locate the message you'd like to send or re-send to these contacts and double-click it to open it for editing.
- Click .
- In the send screen, click .
- Choose Advanced Selection.
- In the search dialog, configure your search as follows.
The first field may have a slightly different name - depending on what you called it in Step 6, above. - Click . You have now isolated those specific contacts who do not have 'Yes' populated against them in the list - in other words, you are no only including contacts that did not click on anything.
- Click .
- Confirm your sending information and, once ready, click to continue review and then send your email to these specific contacts.
- Once your send has completed, we recommend removing your temporary 'Did click something' field, in order to keep your lists neat and in case you need it again for something else in future. To do so, select Contacts in the sidebar.
- Use the dropdowns at the top to select your list.
- Click the
- Locate the recently-created 'Did click something' field and hover over it. Click on the three-lines to the right edge of the field's column heading (as shown) to open the options menu.
- Select Delete field, then click . You have now removed this temporary field.
- Click Close to exit spreadsheet view.
Further Reading
- Send to Contacts That Haven’t Been Sent (Or Have Been Sent) A Particular Email
- Send or Resend to Contacts Who Bounced From a Particular Email Send
- Send or Resend to Contacts Who Did Not Open a Particular Email
- Send to Contacts Who Clicked a Link in Your Most Recent Email