This article refers to setting up text messaging functionality within the United States.
To get started with text you will first need to setup a free Twilio account and purchase a phone number.
To do this:
1. Create a Twilio Account:
- Go to Twilio's website:
- Once there you will click on the +SIGN UP button found in the upper right hand corner
Now that you have signed up for an account you will need to obtain a phone number to send messages from.
2. Buy a text Capable Phone Number:
- Go to the Buy a Number page (Dashboard Console > Phone Numbers > Buy a Number)
- From this page you will see search filters, it is important that you check the SMS check box to ensure that you only see numbers that are SMS capable.
- Click Search
- Once you find a number you like click Buy
Now that you have an SMS phone number, we recommend that you create a Messaging Service as it is easy to do and much easier to manage.
3. Create A Messaging Service:
- Head to the Messaging Services page (Dashboard Console > Programmable SMS > Messaging Services)
- Click 'Create new Messaging Service'
- Enter a Name in the Friendly Name field
- Click Create
Now that you have a messaging service you need to add your new Phone Number to it.
- Click on Numbers
- Choose 'Add an Existing Number'
- Click in the checkbox next to the number you previously purchased
- Select 'Add Selected'
Now head back to the Dashboard Page
4. Enter your Twilio Authentication Details In Your EDM Account
- In Twilio go to your Dashboard
- Copy your Account SID
- Go to your EDM Account
- Navigate to Integrations
- Select the Twilio Integration
- Paste your Twilio Account SID in the Account SID Field
- Head back to your Twilio Dashboard
- Copy your Auth Token (you will need to click on the 👁️ icon to view the token)
- Navigate back to your EDM Account
- Paste your Auth Token in the Auth Token field
If you did not create a Messaging Service, you may enter the Phone Number you purchased in the Messaging Service SID/Phone Number field in the above form. Click Connect and Skip to step 5 - Navigate back to your Twilio Account and go to Programmable SMS > Messaging Services
- Copy your SID
- Navigate back to your EDM Account
- Paste your SID Token in the Messaging Service SID/ Phone Number field
- Click on Connect
You will now receive your Request URL which will need to be added to Twilio.
5. Set The Request URL In Twilio
To receive responses from your SMS messages you need to provide Twilio with the Request URL from your EDM.
If you created a Messaging Service:
- Head to the Messaging Services page (Dashboard Console > Programmable SMS > Messaging Services).
- Click on the name of your Messaging Service
- Go to the Configure page
- Replace the '' in the REQUEST URL field, with the Request URL from your EDM account.
- Click on the Save button.
If you entered a Phone Number:
- Head to the Phone Numbers page (Dashboard Console > Phone Numbers).
- Click on the Phone Number you purchased
- Go to the Configure tab
- Go to the Messaging subheading toward the bottom of the page
- The CONFIGURE WITH field should be set to Webhooks/TwiML.
- Change the A MESSAGE COMES IN field to Webhook
- In the input field next the A MESSAGE COMES IN by you will need to replace the '', with the Request URL from your EDM account.
- Click on the Save button.