If you discover that you have some duplicate records in your contact list, you may want to remove these additional records to ensure a clean database and potentially lower your fees, as our platform is billed based on the number of contacts you have.
How-to Guide
- Select Lists and Forms from the sidebar.
- Highlight your desired list by clicking the checkbox to its left.
- From the Actions dropdown, select Remove duplicates.
- Use the dropdown provided to choose the field that you want to base the duplicate search on (eg. Email).
- Click . All duplicates in this list will now be shown and you will now need to decide which contact records to keep, and which to delete.
- Once you have worked out which records to delete, highlight them (by using the checkbox to the left), then select Delete from the Actions dropdown.
Remember, this screen shows all duplicate contacts, so when deleting data here, you'll generally want to keep at least one of each record. If you highlight all of the records and delete them, then you'll be deleting the original and the duplicate entries.
Further Reading
For more tips & tricks on database maintenance & list cleaning, see List & Database Maintenance Tips.