Our platform displays contact fields in several different places. By default, these are displayed in the order in which they were created, but you can adjust these if required.
How-to Guide
Adjust the Field Order in the Main Contacts View
- Select Contacts from the sidebar.
- Open your desired contact list.
- Click the Table Settings (small ⚙️) icon towards the top-right of the table. A pop-down menu will appear (as shown below).
- Hover over the desired field and drag it up / down in the list using the gripper to the right (as shown).
- Once you have reordered your desired fields, click Apply to save your changes.
Adjust the Field Order in a Contact Data Export
When exporting contact data from our platform using the option provided in the Contacts view, the downloaded file takes on whatever view & field order you have setup here.
As such, if you need to re-order the fields for a contact export, follow the directions in the section above prior to conducting the contact export / download.
Adjust the Field Order When Viewing, Adding or Editing a Contact
Adjusting the order here also affects the view in Spreadsheet View, the add contact screen, the edit contact screen, the SMS field order (under List Settings) and the fields section of the Forms editor.
- Select Lists and Forms from the sidebar.
- Double-click on the desired list, to open forms view for that list.
- On the right, open the Fields panel.
- Hover over the desired field and drag it up / down in the list using the gripper to the left (as shown).
- Once you have reordered your desired fields, click .
Adjust the Field Order on a Form
Please see our related article, Design & Customise the Appearance of a Form.