Tired of jumping from platform to platform to find high-quality stock images for your email campaigns? Our stock photography integration makes it easy to use beautiful, curated images in your email designs.
- Choose from over two million high-quality stock images to perfectly complement your email campaigns.
- Save time by using the search bar provided to filter your image search by theme.
- Using the integrated image editor you resize or crop stock photos to your liking.
For licencing reasons, stock photos can only be resized or cropped. Other tools usually present in our image editor are not available for stock images.
Common Questions
Q: Do stock images cost extra?
A: No, they are included as part of your plan.
Q: Can I edit Unsplash images?
A: Only cropping & resizing is supported. As such, the integrated image editor in our platform will only display these two options when editing an Unsplash stock image.
Q: If I use an Unsplash image, will it take up some of the file space in my Files & Images manager?
A: No, the image remains on the Unsplash servers - even cropped / resized versions!
Q: Can I use these images outside of the email marketing platform?
A: Please review the Unsplash terms & conditions to ensure you comply with any usage rules and restrictions that may apply.
Q: Do I have to credit the photographer?
A: Crediting the photographer is optional. You can view the attribution details for each image by hovering over the Unsplash logo (symbol) in the Files & Images manager when looking for imagery.
How-to Guide
- Open your email for editing and follow the usual steps to insert an image, or image component, into your email design.
- Once you have the Files & Images manager open, select the Stock Images folder, as shown.
- Browse the integrated stock photo library, or use the search function provided to locate your image of choice.
- Once located, you can use the buttons provided to or the image. You can also click to copy the image URL, or edit it (which offers the ability to resize and / or crop the image in order to better-suit your design).