If you'd like to automatically send users different information based on what they selected on a form, you can create an advanced automation to do so.
Some example use cases could be:
- Email the user an information pack relating to the training course they are interested in.
- Email or SMS the user a map link for the workshop they are interested in attending, or the store they would like to visit.
- Email the user more information about the product or service they selected on a form.
What This Example Will Cover
In this automation example, we'll be building a workflow that emails an information pack to our users based on the training program options they select on our subscription form, which is shown below.
How-to Guide
Before you begin, you'll need to have your subscribe form (with the various form fields) created - read more about creating a new form. You'll also need to have built the emails that you're going to have the system send to the user as part of this automation - in our case, the three course information pack emails.
- Select Automation from the sidebar.
- Select the Advanced Automation tab.
- Click .
- Give the workflow a name and click .
- Click .
- In the first section, set the action as A trigger against the following List and select the folder & list that contains your subscription form. In our case, it's our training program registration form.
- In the second section, set the trigger as Subscribe.
- Under Filter your Contacts section, click .
- In the popup window, select the fields and criteria you'd like to use for filtering. In our case, let's start with our 'Diploma of Donutology' information pack email - so we're going to setup our filtering step as follows...
- Click .
- In the third section, select Send the Contact the Message, then choose the folder & message you'd like the system to send.
- In the fourth section, configure the timing of when the information pack email should send. In most cases, you'll probably want to set this to Immediately.
- Click . Repeat steps 5 - 12 to create additional automation steps to send the info pack for your other courses. In our case, we'd complete these steps for the 'Golden Gateau' info pack email, and again for the 'Professor of Pastry' info pack email.
- Click on the automation setup screen.
- Finally, click next to the automation and choose Activate. Your automation is now ready and will run each time the form is completed - sending the relevant information pack emails depending on what the user has selected on the form.
If the user selects multiple options on the form, they will receive multiple emails.
Once you have completed the setup process, you can test the automation by filling in the form to make sure you receive the relevant emails.